132 East 72nd Street Apt 8
When it comes to real estate…looks matter.
This unwanted apartment had been listed 3 times and couldn't sell. Adding insult to injury, it was costing the owners $10,000 every month in maintenance to carry this once empty home. In total, the owners spent $150,000 just in maintenance alone while the apartment sat unstaged and unsold for 450 days.
Now, it's not a secret the apartment looked dated. But there was a secret... while it may have looked like This Old House it was really a Hot House. Okay, there's one more secret. We have a deep understanding of who the buyers are for a gracious, prewar home that nods at traditionalism but has modern elements.
So, we set about to craft a space that would connect for buyers with almost $3,000,000 to spend to be 2 blocks from Central Park. The Upper East Side is a well known destination for "cosmetic work" and we applied that theory here with a little pick me up that goes under the skin - giving this traditional home a slight modern twist that buyers are hungry for. Once paired down and lightened up the elegant details shined through…and was a huge hit.
Offers started to pour in and buyers faced off. What was once an empty apartment that sat unsold for over 450 days was now a staged home that sold in 43 days.
15 months on market | Unsold
43 days on market | Multiple offers | Sold